ME 2.0 slide deck (1)

Next Cohort Starting SEPTEMBER 2024

A science-based programme to build emotional and mental strength.

Empowering your journey through perimenopause feeling happier, lighter and more in control.

From £495

Project ME is for women who want...

To understand perimenopause and feel empowered to manage the challenges it throws up.

To feel happier, lighter and build fierce self-compassion.

To overcome negative thinking, self-limiting beliefs and feel excited about what’s next.

To cope with stress effectively – managing difficult emotions and moods without them becoming overwhelming.

To design a personal vision of Project ME and start taking decisive values-driven action towards your goals.

To be inspired by experts and like-minded women, supporting and challenging each other with kindness, encouragement and fun! 

Hello, you! I'm Katherine Tiddy

I have poured my heart and soul into creating this programme, let me share why.

I passionately believe that our “midlife” is a time that we can thrive, but there is A LOT of noise out there right now that we need to dread perimenopause and ageing.

That we’ll wither away and wrinkle up into mere shadows of our former selves, quaking in the corner in a hot mess, with our best days behind us and only anti-aging serums and Spanx underwear can save us!!

WHAT IF…we thought F**K that!

WHAT IF…we fiercely loved and cared for ourselves.

WHAT IF…we looked at our future and saw it full of adventure and joy.

What would be different?

I’m a coach, trained in positive psychology, coaching psychology, NLP, neuroscience and leadership development.  But more importantly, I am a Mum to teens (WTAF!!), a hot mess bounding through the chaos looking for joy and adventure. And I want you to come with me!

Project ME will teach you how to understand the hormonal changes and nurture your body and mind in perimenopause.

It will enable you to master your emotions not by fighting or running away from them, but by confronting them with confidence and compassion.

Project ME will help you embrace all of YOU your perfect imperfections. Seeing fails and f**k ups, rages and regrets as being human.

Project ME will give you the real-world, science-based tools that you need to envision, create and take imperfect wobbly steps towards being the most energetic, joyful version of YOU.

Project ME is right up your street if...

You’re ready to challenge the negative noise around perimenopause and understand your body and mind and what it means for YOU!

You want to do “the work” and notice where you are letting your beliefs and negative thoughts hold you back.

You are willing to sneak out of your comfort zone to peek at the magic on the other side.

You are ready and willing to dedicate precious time and energy to YOU and your well-being.

You want me (and a bunch of like-minded women) cheerleading and supporting you all the way.

You know there is so much more you want to be/give/do and you crave excitement and joy.

You want to be kinder to yourself.

You want to feel confident, capable and in control.

With a plan in your back pocket, you want to feel energised and excited about the joy and adventure ahead.

You want a squad of qualified experts on call to support your well-being mission.

You want to join me in flicking the “V”s to those who think we are ready for grey cardigans, stepping back and playing small!

Want to ask me anything?

Project ME might not be for you if...
  • You’re seeking a quick fix – this 6-week programme requires you to go all in to get true value from it.  Sometimes uncomfortable, change isn’t easy or quick. Sadly, there is no shortcut – it takes work.
  • You prefer to work alone – we will work together, share stories and challenges and learn from each other.
  • You are struggling with any serious mental health issues – this course is about building mental strength and resilience and is not a therapeutic space or mental health service.

How Project ME works

6 x live online group sessions 

I will lead the group, sharing research and evidence-based tools and techniques to enhance your well-being during perimenopause. The group coaching will enable sharing and learning together.

A gorgeous self-reflection journal

The postie will pop a journal through your door ahead of the sessions starting.  It will accompany you on your journey with practical exercises helping you to bring the learning to life!

A connected group

Access to Katherine and the group to share support and hold each other’s hands as we wobble and cheerlead as we overcome!

Pricing options

Project ME – £495

  • Full course access
  • Printed journal
  • Full group support access

Project ME Upgrade – £695

  • Full course access
  • Printed journal
  • Full group support access
  • A 90-minute 121 coaching session with Katherine

All the details...


I will bring the group together for the first session, sharing the core concepts of the programme and creating a safe, fun and collaborative environment for us to get to know each other and embark on our journey together! EXPECT: Ease, fun, and lots of AHA moments! (Sadly no Morten Harket #IYKYK)


I will share the research and evidence surrounding the impact of perimenopause on our bodies and minds. We will explore the myths and our beliefs about perimenopause and ageing, discovering and sharing coping strategies and ways in which to learn more about your unique cycle and what YOU need.


I will share the science behind self-compassion, and the life-changing impact on our well-being (and for our nearest & dearest!), especially during midlife and beyond!. We will get super practical and share stories and strategies and your journal will support you to develop your self-compassion goggles!!


Finding courage, confidence and clarity, we will look at how, even with hormones raging, we can build our self-belief! We will learn about the thinking traps that can nobble us, and learn practical, simple ways to dial up more helpful and motivating thoughts.  Break the cycle of trashing yourself and build the coping mechanisms that allow you to step confidently forward toward your goals.


This is where we super-charge the fun and armed with the mindset and practical tools we have got in our kitbag, we create our vision of ME 2.0! We explore role models, traits, styles, missions, values, goals, dreams. Who are you stepping forward as into this exciting midlife phase of life? What is your WHY? This is where we choose our vision, our path and start taking wobbly baby steps towards our goals – TOGETHER!


Here we cut through the bullshit that the media and well-being industry feed us! I have a super squad of qualified experts who will share the science behind thriving during perimenopause. These are the tips and tricks that the research says work! Joining Katherine will be a Perimenopause expert GP, Midlife Stress and Sleep Coach, Mindfulness Teacher, Midlife Health & Fitness Coach, Menopause Yoga teacher and a Psychotherapist. They will share their top tips for well-being during perimenopause and answer ALL your questions! 

Then…we celebrate, we share our visions of ME 2.0 and the goals and actions that will take us confidently forward into the joyful, exciting adventure that life gets to be!!

When do the live sessions take place?

There will be multiple cohorts starting in September so you can join the cohort with the live sessions that suit you best.

What if I can’t make one of the sessions?

Life happens, especially with all the plates we spin! Don’t worry, the course has been designed to ensure that you can keep pace even if you miss a session.  The education sessions within the live sessions will be recorded and the journal has been created to ensure you can access the learning content anytime.

Will the sessions be recorded?

Only the education element of the sessions will be recorded to ensure that those in the live session have a totally safe space to talk freely!

How much time will the programme require of me?

Let’s face it, we don’t have an abundance of free time and this course has been designed with that in mind.  The 6 live sessions are every Friday for 90 minutes – that is the only group time required of you.  I suggest that you dedicate time daily to journalling and doing the exercises in the journal as this will enable you to get the best value from the programme.  Shared resources within the journal allow you to go deeper should you wish.

How much access will I get to Katherine and the expert team?

Katherine will be available to you throughout the programme via WhatsApp to help with any queries, struggles, or simply to cheerlead your successes!  The expert team will be available in Session 6 to answer any questions you may have.  They are a super helpful bunch, I am sure they will also point you in the direction of further information or explain how they can support you further!

What support is available after the programme?

A light-touch ongoing support programme will be available for everyone who has completed the programme!

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